For the longest time, I'd count down the days until the weekend, so that I could embark on whatever project I was in the middle of.
However, for the last month -- or two? -- I've been... drifting. I spent most of the weekend doing inconsequential things, including watching a lot of YouTube videos: some informative (mostly about filmmaking techniques) -- but a lot of them just time-wasting, really.
Part of the problem is that I'm inherently nocturnal: for whatever reason, my default mode is to not get started until late afternoon -- and then I only have a little bit of time before sundown. And for indoor work, I really don't get revved up until just before (or, just after) dinner. And then my productivity gets truncated by the need to go to bed for the night -- or, I go with my momentum, stay up foolishly late -- and then pay for it the next morning.
However, today I had a breakthrough: in order to be more "mindful", I need to occasionally stop and ask myself "What is the thing I could be doing right now that will make the the most happy?" It might be making a sandwich, of course -- but it's more likely to be something like "making something out of wood", or "playing the guitar", or "listening to the record". It might even be "doing the laundry" -- not because it's fun -- but because if I do it, I'll stop feeling bad about not doing it.
But whatever my answer to myself, it will be something that I do with intention and purpose -- rather than "drifting" like I have been.
There's reasons for my drifting. But that's a discussion for another day -- and one which I'm unlikely to post online. ;)
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