Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Expired drugstore film with a Canon half-frame

 Still loving my Canon Demi half-frame camera (48 shots from a 24 exposure roll).

This one is from a roll of expired "Drugstore" film:  it was branded with the name of some drugstore that I didn't recognize.  I over-exposed by two stops (I think it was supposed to be 400 ASA, but I shot at 100? I'd have to check my notes).  It largely came out okay:  muted colors, but still "functional"... and "interesting".  :)

As usual, this is how it came back from the neutral scans from the photo lab -- no additional digital editing.




Given that it was basically dusk, I was pleasantly surprised that this one turned out.

As usual, you get a better sense of the photo if you click to enlarge.  :)



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