Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Third batch - vintage photos

 This is from another 1943-ish camera -- but it takes 35mm film, not "120".  Also, it lets you adjust the shutter speed and aperture.

Some of the better ones:



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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Second batch -- from 1943-ish camera

 This one and the Box Brownie both shoot "120" format film.  Feel free to Google that.

This camera has a focus where you just estimate the distance and turn the lens to match (e.g. "10 feet"); a single shutter speed; and your choice of two different apertures (the size of the hole that lets in the light).

Some of the better shots:


Me at the British Columbia logging camp, 1938


Me at the British Columbia logging camp, 1938

Me receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (apparently twice),

 for isolating Hilarium, 1943


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Thursday, July 07, 2022

Photos from my first Kodak Box Brownie camera

Some results of my first foray into old-timey photography.

Not surprisingly, the lens defines the "look" and the perceived era:  these look kind of 1910-ish -- whereas the photos shot on a WW2-era camera look like they're from WW2.

Two from my church.



This one is of a garden bed -- you can kind of see a car in the background:  call this one "artistic".

The rest of them have people I know in the photo, so I'm not going to share it here.

But, you get the idea.  :)


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