Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Kodak H35 half-frame point-and-shoot - Ilford XP2 - Alley and stuff

 Loving my Kodak H35 half-frame (no sponsorship -- I'm just enjoying it). I intentionally removed the battery (I don't like the "front-lit" looks) -- so I just take photos if it's outdoors and daytime:  black and white film is oddly robust (can get away with 2-3 stops over- or under- exposed).

This is the Ilford XP2 (400 ASA), which is cheaper to develop than "normal" B&W, because you can process it with standard C-41 color processing (which more labs have, now-a-days).  It's not as crisp and gritty as I like -- but sometime here I'll try push-processing it, which should harden up the blacks a bit.

Taken indoors:  am surprised that it came out at all....

Can you see the airplane?  (I waited for the right placement, before taking the shot.)




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