Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Pandemic prediction -- future of travel

 It is now November 2020:  the COVID-19 Pandemic has been going on since February or March of this year.


Here are my prediction regarding international travel:

-It will take many years to develop a workable vaccine.

-"Life in a pandemic" will become "the new normal": people will just accept the additional precautions (physical distancing; masks; hand-washing) as "what you do". 

-Recreational international travel can't get put on hold forever.  Therefore, travel will resume -- but it will incorporate various COVID-19-related precautions, such as:

-Physical distancing on airplanes -- which means that they'll only be able to fly at about one-half capacity (family groups, and parties traveling together, will not have to be seated apart).  This will double the price of air fares -- but people will be desperate enough to pay them.

-People will not be allowed to leave the airport during long layovers (e.g. to explore the town).

-Mandatory two-week quarantine periods, both before, and after, each leg of the journey.

-Specialized cruise ships will become more cost-effective than air travel:  the journey across the ocean will be part of the "two week quarantine" period.


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Sunday, November 01, 2020

Yet another box from the porch

Another box from the porch. I've lost track of how many this is -- and can't be bothered to go back and count.

As with all of them, they've been on the porch for so long that I'd forgotten what was in there:  in this case, I don't even remember the history behind them -- I can only infer.

This one doesn't seem to have been damaged by the weather, like some of the other boxes.  An odd mish-mash of leftovers from old projects (that's where the extra roll of flyscreen went!!!), and garage sale tools.

Not sure about the little blue whisk broom and dustpan.  Likewise, the green (fairly heavy-duty!) dishwashing gloves -- luckily, with no holes nibbled in them.

Ignoring the things that are obvious...

Back row:  hammer; rusty file; a partial tin of varnish.

Next group:  three metal plates, with screws; double-pulley; plastic bowl with misc. screws and such; non-steel wrench (to use when the risk of sparks might cause a fire, e.g. among flammable gasses); a masonry-style hammer head.

Front row:  small metal clamp; divider (with broken tip, will need to grind the ends to match again); two types of calliper; flatblade screwdriver bit; nail puller; stubby ball-peen hammer; black strip of velcro; chisel; screwdriver; two more chisels; pruning shears.

Such treasures!

Gonna give the dividers and callipes to a colleague that does things around the house (after I clean up the rust, and re-grind the ends):  I have more callipers than I need.

I've slowed waaaay down, over the years, in buying misc. hand tools:  now I'm doing the opposite -- giving away my excess.

That said:  last month I picked up a nice-looking chisel for cheap, at an antique shop.  It's actually a stubby lathe chisel, which I'll use as a kind of "parting tool". 


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