Minor medical scare
Well, we had a minor medical scare on Saturday, with the blondie boy.
He'd had a cold or some-such the previous day. We'd run some errands today, and were just leaving the local shopping mall, when The Lady noticed that he was leaning back in the stroller, looking up at her -- but, in an oddly fixed manner. When we got to the car, she picked him up, but he remained looking upwards at the ceiling, and was unresponsive to stimulus.
After a few minutes he came out of it -- but was still a bit groggy. Unfortunately, with pre-verbal kids, it's harder to determine their level of coherence -- you can't use their clarity of speech to determine their mental state. So, The Lady drove us to the local hospital, and took him through the ER, while I phoned her folks on the cell phone, took the kids home, handed them over to The Lady's mom, and drove back to the hospital.
He ended up being fine -- they took his temperature, gave him some paracedomal (sp?) to lower his temperature, ran a few tests, and etc. They figure it was ''just'' convulsions, due to a high fever (apparently with little kids, it's not the degree of the temperature per se, but how quickly it escalates). But, they've booked us in for some EEGs in a few weeks, just to test for epilepsy.
So, that was our Halloween scare.
And, The Lady, inadvertently, delivered a good line: Just as I'd arrived at the ER and was about to
inquire at the front desk for Teddy's location, she -- on her way to the bathroom -- intercepted me. ''Teddy's in there,'' she said, pointing to a doorway. ''He's in bed with a nurse.''
Words I hadn't expected to hear for another 18 years...