The meaning of drawing monsters
The Girl sure loves to draw: every day when we pick her up from daycare she has two or three drawings. And, she's at the developmental stage where people are actually recognizable as ''people''.
Since I'm the (semi-compulsive) archivist in the family, I tend to write her name and the day's date on the bottom corner, plus a brief explanation/ interpretation of the contents of the picture -- based on The Girl's explanation, of course. And, for the last few weeks, at least one drawing is of her, plus one or more family members -- plus, ''a monster''.
(Note: image of monster not her drawing; plucked from the web.)
I was a little concerned: does the monster represent some secret worry or fear in her life? So, today, as I was labeling one of her drawings (her, daddy, mommy, a scary monster, the sun, and the blue sky), I asked her "Why do you draw scary monsters?"
Her answer: "I like scary monsters."
OK, then.