Traditional photography is magic
I'm actually posting this from the future (3 Aug 2022) -- but I'm placing this here just be chronologically correct -- mostly.
I've been into filmmaking for the last few years -- but never had any interest in "still" photography: I figured that filmmaking had everything that photography had... plus movement! So even though I respected photography -- I wasn't interested.
But. I have a co-worker who's into photography. And somehow I got interested in the look of older cameras -- about 1930-1950. Pre-electronic: no light meters, not auto-rewind.
Somewhere just before Saturday, 25 June, I got the notion that I'd visit the local antique center and see if they had any reasonably-priced vintage cameras -- just as decoration: my mental limit was AU$50 (about US$35). After some browsing, I actually found one for $35!
But: once I got it home and examined it more closely -- I realized that it was still functioning!!! Suddenly I realized the possibilities: that pre-electronic cameras are a form of **magic** -- briefly shine light into a sealed box, such that the light hits a piece of plastic with chemicals on it -- swish that plastic around in more chemicals -- and you've preserved a piece of time -- without using electricity at **all**!!!
Have picked up a few old-timey cameras since then. Am shooting as I acquire them. Each one has a slightly different look. All of them are inexpensive (few people want them -- so they're mostly just "decoration" -- for "normal" people).
Various photos to follow. :)
Labels: my traits, photography