Getting organized
I decided to tidy my "scripts and script ideas" folder on my hard drive: it used to just be a folder called "Scripts".
Within those folders, I have three in the "Under development" folder (one that's a feature length film, that I've been picking away at for a few years; one that's probably a 10 minute film short (with input from B-Man, a co-worker who's also into filmmaking); and one that's a music video (for a song that I'll write to suit the video -- once I clarify what needs to be done).
I have fourteen that are basically ready to shoot: these range from 15-30 second quickies, to 2-3 minute micro-shorts, to one or two that would be 3-5 minutes.
And then four that I've shot the footage -- three of which I need to edit into narratives, and one that I did about a year ago, but I want to adjust the colors and record some music to go behind it (currently there's no audio). One of these four is the footage of two hourglasses and a metronome, which I shot last night.
Hoping to wrap up two from the "3_Shot" folder over the next few days, and post one of them tonight or tomorrow -- and the other Friday or on the weekend. Just silly little things -- but they amuse me -- which is the point. ;)
Anyhow: more ideas than I currently have time to shoot (and edit)... which -- like my songwriting, where I have a backlog of songs to record -- is better than having lots of time and no projects to do.... ;)
Labels: film-making, my films