Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Norwegian nursery rhyme

My grandmother was born in the U.S., but her parents immigrated from Norway.

When we were little, she'd say this Norwegian nursery rhyme to us:

If anyone knows anything more about it (e.g. the region; the correct translation), please let me know.  The kids and I just call it "The Ridde-Ridde Runke Song".


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Review of Monsters U

Saw Monsters U with the wife and kids.

Curiously, I can actually copy and paste everything I wrote about Despicable Me 2, a few days ago.  That is:

It was fine:  enjoyable; laughed in a few places.

But, no memorable scenes; would never bother purchasing the DVD; my life is not richer for having seen it.

Rent it if you can't think of anything else to rent.

Summary:  Fine -- but not as good as the original.

(Addendum:  6/30)  Actually, there was more to it than that.  First, I thought the outcomes to their actions near the end of the movie was very realistic -- at least, as realistic as a movie about monsters could be.  Spoiler:  stop reading now.  Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler.  They cheated in a contest, they blew up a lab, and so they got kicked out of school.  Yep, that's a plausible real-world outcome.

And second, (spoiler again -- spoiler spoiler spoiler) the lesson provided was that a lot of people have to adjust the life goals they set as teenagers:  most people that aspire to be a rock star end up as the guitar tech (or even the local guitar teacher); you wanted to be a famous painter, but you're the layout person at a woodworking magazine; wanted to be a famous novelist and end up as editor at the publications department of some government agency; not an Olympic athlete, but a coach to athletes.  Yep, that stuff happens:  sometimes you don't have what it takes.  So the movie rung true to my middle-aged self.  ;)


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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Review of Despicable Me 2

Saw Despicable Me 2 with the wife and kids.

It was fine:  enjoyable; laughed in a few places.

But, no memorable scenes; would never bother purchasing the DVD; my life is not richer for having seen it.

Rent it if you can't think of anything else to rent.

Summary:  Fine -- but not as good as the original.



Friday, June 21, 2013

A nice compliment

I'm on a three-person hiring committee (exciting!  Haven't been on a hiring committee since I worked in retail, a thousand years ago).  We've been e-mailing revisions of the interview questions back and forth.

I e-mailed the group that, "I think it’s notable that we don’t have any 'If you could be any type of tree -- what type would you be (and why)?' questions."

The chair of the committee replied, ''GG -- you would totally be a Christmas tree!''

That'sa nice.  :)



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY handplane adjusting hammer

There's a shop downtown called Daiso, where everything (literally!) is AU$2.80.  Some products are a little rickety, but some are perfectly solid.  Especially for two-eighty.

The blades of wooden-bodied handplanes are typically adjusting by tapping them with a small hammer.  It's generally thought it's better to do this with a copper-faced, or brass-faced, hammer, rather than a steel or iron hammer.  If you use a steel or iron hammer, the concern is that you will eventually "mushroom over" the butt end of the blade.

So, some people buy a plane-adjusting hammer like this:

They're very pretty -- but they're not worth sixty bucks to me.

So, when I saw the funny little hammers at Daiso -- for two-eighty! -- I thought:  I can turn this into a plane-adjusting hammer!

First I visited Next-Door Uncle, to get a scrap piece of copper tube.  Then I drilled a hole for the handle, cut a slit for access, and cut four flaps into the future "face" end:

And another view:

I sprayed some oil on it (to facilitate the process), and jammed the copper tube onto the hammer head:

Then I used a cross-peen hammer (shown; also $2.80 from Daiso!) to fold over the flaps:

A closer view:

I actually got to use the "anvil" portion of my machinist's vice!

And, here's the completed project, in (posed) action:

It's a little "rustic" looking -- which is fine by me (I was aiming for "functional and completed", rather than "beautiful and never finishing"!).  And, it works well:  copper is surprisingly heavy.

As you can see, it has a red plastic handle.  I roughed it up with some coarse sandpaper.  No, I didn't B.L.O. it.

Also, the handtool woodworkers among you will notice that the mouth of this handplane is exceedingly large.  I ground the blade with a pronounced curve (as you can see), and use it as a scrub plane.

Not including sketching out the design, and visiting N.D. Uncle, this took me an afternoon.

The best project is a completed project.


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