Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Recording gear bang for the buck

At the moment, what ''fun money'' I have goes towards woodworking stuff -- probably 'cause I can accomplish woodworking things without much space or dedicated setup, and in relatively little snippets of time.

Once I **do** get some time -- time to record, and time to set up the space and equipment **to** record -- I'm planning on getting these:

  • These are supposed to be bizarrely good for the price: $300 ribbon mics by Cascade Microphones, from Olympia, Washington.
  • And of course, the FMR mic pre is supposed to be insanely good, as well (regardless of the price -- although it's $500 for two channels). And the rest of their stuff, too (see the sidebar in the link).

Both are on my "to get" list, when I go back to work full-time (and thus have more discretionary income -- and ironically [hopefully!] more time to record). No point in getting them right now...


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