Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Monday, April 06, 2020

Watching the progress -- C-19

When I was a kid -- pre-internet and all -- every Sunday my dad would look at the Sunday paper for the week's stock market results: he'd get out his book of graph paper and for each of the stocks that we was tracking he'd log the weekly high, low, and average (or maybe it was the close -- it's been a while...).

Over the last few weeks, I find myself doing the same thing -- but on a daily basis, and with the Covid-19 situation.

I've tried out a few different websites, and this one is my favorite:

Among other things, I like that fact that it has a "detailed" table --
-- which you can sort by country name, total confirmed cases, total deaths, and -- importantly! -- the number of cases and number of deaths, weighted by population.  (Note:  The first time you click a column heading, it sorts from smallest to largest:  click it again to reverse-sort, from largest to smallest -- which I find the most useful.)

I found it interesting that Vatican City is the worst-off in "Cases per population" -- but it makes sense:  it's in Italy; a small population; and (presumably) most of that population is urban -- so, living in close quarters.

In the above table, if you click on a country it takes you to another page, with  further information on that country -- for example, the entry on the U.S. also gives a breakdown by state (and, as with the "per nation" table, you can sort by various measures).

Grim -- but interesting.  Especially if you do forecasting for a living, like I do (well -- part of what I do...).


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