Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fun with telemarketers

This happened a day or so ago.

My wife overheard, and said that telemarketers must love me (not!), as I tend to deviate from their pre-scripted response options.

I like messing with them -- but not in a cruel way. I'm always friendly -- jovial, even.

(For you Sociology majors: it's a bit of a "breaching experiment".)

Telemarketer: Hello! This is [name] from [some mortgage refinancing place]. How are you today?

Me: Hi! Fine, thank you! So -- whatcha selling?

TM: (slightly off-beat -- people must not ask how **he's** doing) I'm fine, thank you for asking. I was wondering --

Me: Hey, that's great! So -- whatcha selling?

TM: Oh, we're not selling anything -- we just offer advice.

Me: Ah! Well, I don't need that: My mom and dad give me advice. And they don't charge me money.

TM: (flustered) Ah. Oh. Um -- well, I hope you have a nice day.

Me: You too! Thanks for the call! :)

And **that's** why I haven't bothered with the "do not call" list. :)




At September 02, 2010 9:08 AM, Anonymous Jan said...

Poor souls! :-) Have a heart and at least let them practice their sales spiel on you for two sentences...

But I can see why you need never bother delisting your phone number. I will try this method myself some time so thanks for the 'how-to'....


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