Good content will go viral
I don't **totally** agree -- but it's a good general point, IMO.
(Uncouth words altered, and long paragraph broken up a bit.)
if you want to take part in the cosmic-web-4.0-uber-progressive-exchange-of-love-and-money, your art has to be GOOD. and we all know good art doesn’t exist.
nor does bad art.
but at least a couple people out there are going to have to think your art is good, or you’re screwed. i mean, seriously, you’re just [hosed].
nobody can help you if the world isn’t interested in your content. the internet cannot help you, facebook cannot help you, twitter cannot help you, major labels and millions of dollars of promotion cannot help you (well…maybe they can, but you’ll wind up [hosed] in the long run when the cocaine hangover wears off and you’re faced with the reality of your autotuned hollow existence).
there’s a LOT of audience out there. chances are if your [stuff] is good, people somewhere will be excited. and people love being excited, and they love sharing [stuff] they are excited about with their friends. so i refuse to believe that your [stuff] is amazing if you tell me you’re putting out tons of content and nobody cares about it. all you need is 5 friends to tell their friends about how amazing your [nifty] song is. the rest does itself; we live in a viral world.
speech over.
My caveat to this is that first you do have to (1) have five friends with similar tastes, who are (2) willing to spam their friends about your stuff. :)
Labels: geeky, music, songwriting
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