Scott Pilgrim vs the World
So, then I waited eagerly for the DVD release, so I could rent it. It was supposed to come out on December 16th, which is a Wednesday; however, the "cheap days" are Tuesdays. So, I had a moral dilemma as to whether to grab it immediately when it came out, and pay the five bucks or whatever (I have no idea what the cost is, it's been so long since I've rented a DVD on a non-Tuesday) -- or wait an extra six days until the following Tuesday.
As luck would have it, though, my wife was browsing the video rental shop with the kids, saw it, and picked it up for me -- yesterday, **Tuesday**. Excellent: the best of both worlds.
Sat down and watched it. I had hopes.
It did not disappoint.
I had been a little concerned, as it had received mixed reviews. The negative reviews that I'd read had complained that there was no plot, and that it would only appeal to hard core video game players.
Rubbish on both parts. I was amused and engaged the whole time, laughed several times, and when I re-watched it to pick up the parts that I missed (it was on DVD, and I kept getting distracted by kid-wrangling), I ended up just watching it straight through again, rather than fast-forwarding through the parts I'd already seen: that's a good sign.
For me, it was an intersection of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon, and the1960s Batman t.v. show. It wore its comic book and video game influences proudly, and did not take itself too seriously.
An observation: the female lead had a husky, lower voice (for a female), and the guy had a thin, higher voice (kinda David Spade-ish). The result is that the female had a lower voice than the male. Huh.
In sum: I'm not sure if I can honestly say that I **loved** it: my hyperbole is mellowing with age. But certainly I was giddy through much of it, and babbled about it to my wife afterwards -- and that's a good indicator that I enjoyed it.
Labels: martial arts, movies, music, my traits
I'm still a touch giddy.
Still still giddy.
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