Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cooler than you

It's hip to like a band while it's still obscure; if you only like it after everyone else likes it (e.g., after their platinum record), then you're a copycat (or a poseur).

There's some debate within Coolness Committees as to whether you're allowed to still like a band after they've achieved mainstream success. Personally, I think it's fine: you were simply one of the "early adopters", and everyone else is following **your** lead.

Regardless, I'm pleased that I'm getting in on the ground floor of one of the spankingest bands in the last decade: NilSonance.

Yesterday I received some promotional stickers in the mail, and proceeded to make good use of them.

First, I declared my fan-dom by sticking one on my laptop:

Naturally, I placed one on my (green!) electric guitar (following two photos by The Girl)...

An electric guitarist: BEFORE his NilSonance sticker:


I also placed a sticker on my two amps:


Unfortunately, my amps are covered in a substance that resists stickers, so they started to un-stick after a few hours. So, I transferred them to a drum and an old acoustic guitar.

Thus: I am officially Hipper Than Thou. ;)


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At December 25, 2010 8:06 AM, Anonymous Giovanna said...

Must be an amazing band to get so much coverage.


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