Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Kinda sick, but I've been sicker

Thursday (yeah, it's Sunday now) was first day of leading two computer labs for a research methods class that The Lady co-teaches. I'm one of three computer lab folks: my labs are Thursdays, noon to 2pm, and 2pm-4pm. The basic format is that I give a mini-lecture for the first 10-15 minutes, then let them loose working on the day's lab exercise while I wander around and give advice.

I'd forgotten how much fun I have, spouting off in front of the classroom; the students seemed to enjoy it (mostly!), as well. My aim is to be informative, with a bit of amusement and entertainment thrown in. Although I don't think I've ever seen him in front of his classrooms, my sense is that my teaching style is influenced by my dad's (middle school and high school; now retired). My brother's a school teacher now, as well: I wonder what his style is like.

Back to Thursday: The Lady had to leave to go pick up The Kid from daycare, so I walked across the new commuter footbridge that spans the Brisbane River, so she could pick me up at the parking lot on the other side. On my way to the bridge, I toyed with getting a slushie from the on-campus candy store, but decided against it: my tummy was a little unsettled.

Walked across, met up w/ The Lady, who said that just before she'd arrived to pick up The Kid at daycare, The Kid had thrown up. Poor bub!

We got home, and my insides were still a bit unsettled. The next day -- Friday -- was my day to look after The Kid. My abdomen felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, once -- or like I'd done a zillion sit-ups. The Kid and I lay about until about noon on Mommy and Daddy's bed, watching kid DVDs while Daddy dozed; had a bit of inoffensive food (crackers) at the kitchen table; then fell asleep on the bed until Mommy got home (a bit after 6pm).

Saturday, still under the weather. The Lady ran the usual Saturday errands while I stayed home and slept. Lady came home, had some light dinner, and I went back to bed.

Sunday (today), slightly better. Still tired, though, with many naps. Turned down the opportunity for a slushie -- a sure sign that I'm **still** not completely well.

Unfortunate, as I was on a pretty good trajectory with my Dissertation writing. Friday night and tonight, however, I squoze in the time to complete a job application (including addressing the various ''selection criteria'' for a research job downtown), application due Monday. Other than that, four days of sleeping, dozing in and out, and/or watching a variety of mediocre t.v. while going ''Guhhhhhh''.

And, how was **your** weekend? ;)

OTOH: I've been sicker.



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