Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wonderful backlog of movies

I like movies.  We haven't got around to getting Netflix, and because DVDs are an obsolete technology, the local pawn shop sells them for a buck apiece (that is:  a dollar Australian; that's about 80c US).  So about once a month I stop by, have a browse, and if I remember it fondly, have heard of it and been curious, or just if the title or summary sounds good -- I'll pick it up.  Mostly Rom-Coms; not really action, drama, etc.

At one point I was watching half a movie nearly every night (as I did the dishes) -- but lately it's about two a week.  So I've been acquiring them faster than I watch them.

I just took a quick tally of the DVDs in my "to watch" pile(s):  about 250.

If I watched one a night, that would last me eight months.

If we say that a typical movie is 100 minutes, and I didn't have to work for a living, I could sit around at watch -- at a leisurely pace -- four movies a day.  If I did that Monday through Friday, it would take me 50 weeks -- nearly a full year -- to watch them all.

Niiiiiice....   : )


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