Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Yet another university dream

This is yet another "I'm failing classes in college" dream.  It probably won't be of interest to anyone -- even my kids.

As usual, these tend to symbolize my feeling "behind" in things I have to do.


Technically this morning, since it probably happened after midnight.  Plus, part of it would have been after I woke up due to everyone else being awake, but then my rolling over and going back to sleep.  (I'm on vacation right now -- so, particular time that I have to get out of bed; YESSS...!!!)

Dreamed that I was an undergraduate Sociology major at U.W.  I'd done really well for my first two years, but then -- and as a continuation of a dream I'd had somewhat recently -- I'd completely bombed my classes for the remaining terms, even though I had limited myself to just one course per term:  I just couldn't complete the readings and the work on time, nor manage to make it to lectures.  All of this was mentally referenced in my dream, but was the backstory, rather than part of the actual dream.

I was at my old bedroom in my parents' house in [hometown], sketching out my "To Do" list, such as "Get a part-time job", "Meet with an advisor" to figure out how to salvage my academic record (since I now had a recent series of "fails"), "Find the lecture and tutorial locations", and "Work out the bus route to and from U.W." (since I wasn't running a car, in order to save money).  I had a small desk under the window (where Dad's desk currently is, in real life) -- but I had a bed (I think) where [brother]'s and my bunk bed traditionally sat.

The class was a large lecture class, and seemed to be co-taught by three or four professors (which is unusual).  I didn't recognize any of the names of the professors, but thought that maybe I'd know my tutor (teaching assistant).  It would be a little weird, since I was a failed graduate student from U.W.'s Sociology department.  (That is:  in my dream I had failed to complete a B.A. in Sociology; but that got muddled with being a grad student in Sociology.)

One would think that getting organized would've been easy, since I only had a single course to organize around -- but I was finding it difficult -- partly because some lady (vaguely resembled someone from church) came down the hall into my room and insisted on chatting.  But even after she left, I was having a hard time working out the lecture and tutorial days and times.

After she left, I noticed that someone -- probably Dad -- had left a pile of Big W (which probably represented Costco) stationary on my desk:  about three reams of notebook paper, plus maybe five blue mousepads(!!!).  He's generous in that way.

Was planning on visiting the campus and inquiring at the bookstore, etc., for work -- but then wondered whether it made more sense to get a job on campus (where I'd have to commute to attend, if I was ever scheduled on a day where I **didn't** have classes -- or in Everett (which is where I was living, with my parents).

Then, abruptly, it was after the first day of classes.  I was in a Fremont-Greenlake-like neighborhood in Seattle -- on a flat aread that was a bit up a hill, with a view of the water -- trying to get home.  I started running on all fours (??!!) in the direction of Everett -- but I knew that it would take me forever to get home that way.

I was woken up by the light, or maybe people moving around near me.  I briefly talked to The Lady, then went back to sleep.  I was in an Aboriginal community (analagous to an Indian reservation in the U.S.), although it was more urban than what I'd expect a community to be.  I was walking around, trying to get a decent GPS signal and internet connection for my iPad (which in real life I don't own -- I just borrow The Lady's or one of the kids') to find out (1) where I was, and (2) how to get the blue buses (Community Transit, in the greater Seattle area) back home to Everett. 

I started slowly walking down a hill, which was, again, Greenwood-like, and saw a two-story older building about half a block down the street (and across the road) that housed some sort of business.  It has a car from the '70s parked in front, in mediocre condition.  Two people (a male and a female) from the building approached me, as I stood there fiddling with my iPad and the woman asked if I needed help.  I explained that I was trying to figure out how to take the blue buses back up to Everett.  The male suggested that I just ride up with him.  For some reason, I could tell that they were academics, but some sort of Art department -- like the building was some sort of off-campus art satellite.  I accepted the offer of a ride, and stated that for what it's worth, if it made them trust me more, I was a former Sociology grad student.

We walked across the street, and I went inside.  They were doing various kinds of sculpture, mostly in plastic and glass -- and I think some collage as well.

I made a few in-joked about academia as I walked through their workshop area, towards (I presume) where the guy who I'd be riding with kept his coat and bag.  And then I woke up.




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