Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Minor update on floods

75% of Queensland (the state that Brisbane is in) has been declared a disaster zone. And edges of downtown are underwater.

The flooding for Brisbane is projected to peak at 3am tomorrow morning: the Brisbane River bisescts Brisbane, and the tides coming **in** will clash with the water trying to drain **out**.

Some interesting (albeit large filesize) simulations showing the neighborhoods around the Brisbane River that are expected to flood are here, on the Brisbane City Council website.

Much of the water is then expected to move south overland to flood New South Wales (the state where Sydney is).

At least we have blue skies today, rather than rain: that changes the projections, giving us an estimated 1.0 metre **shorter** peak level of water.

The number of families trapped on (pitched!) roofs for many hours -- with just minutes of notice -- makes me think that flood-prone people should have a "go kit" for lashing one's family to the slippery roof: a hand-cranked "eggbeater"-style drill and reamer (for making holes); some S-hooks and rope (for lashing yourself to the holes), and some tarps and blankets.




At January 13, 2011 2:31 AM, Blogger Laura Clement said...

Mother Nature sure is impressive. I sure hope you guys continue to be safe.

At January 13, 2011 1:39 PM, Anonymous Dave'ola said...

We are worried - please keep us informed!


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