Tired bones
My research team at work has a project report that's due the middle of next week (auuugh!!!!), and my data analyses are a central component of it. Due to complexities with the data, I **wanted** to log some extra hours on it over this last week, between when my wife got home from work and when the kids go to bed: hide out in the study for 2-3 hours and work. (I'd still be doing my standard "10pm-1am shift" on top of this.)
However -- The Lady has been a bit ill for the last week, so I've been wrangling the kids rather than logging some extra hours.
I **really** needed to get at least half of my analyses to my co-worker by today (Thursday), so she could start typing up the graphs and tables. So, I stayed up late -- **really** late -- last night (and therefore, this morning) working on it. Around 3am I thought I had the data cleaning wrapped up, and I could start doing my analyses. And **then** I discovered a BIG glitch in the data. Gah.
So, I spent the next two hours trying to track down the source of the problem. But I couldn't find it -- and I'm basically out of time for that . So, around 5am I turned my attention to data analysis: gotta analyze it as it is, and just filter out the bad data (and make sure that I document that I did that). Got started, but about 5:30am I'd reached the end of my reserves: e-mailed my colleagues that I'd get the stuff to them by mid-morning today (Thursday).
Went to bed, and The Lady was kind enough to let me "sleep in" until 8am: so, two and a half hours of sleep. Then she went of to work, and I wrangled the kids.
Got everyone some breakfast, and from around 8:30am to 11am, cranked out some analyses, and e-mailed them off in stages. So at least my co-worker had something to work on today.
**Tried** to take a nap -- but unfortunately the kids picked this day to be squirmy and un-cooperative. But I think I racked up an hour and a half of interrupted sleep. Maybe two hours.
Usually, when I pull a super-late night I'm able to recoup by going to bed early the next night. But, not this time: I need to get the rest of my analyses to my co-worker tonight (Thursday night/Friday early morning) so she can make the graphs on Friday -- and write up my summaries for the project leader, so she can integrate my findings into the summary chapter.
But Friday night -- boy HOWDY, I'm goin' to bed...!!! :)
On the total PLUS side, however: today on Yo Gabba Gabba, Weird Al was the guest!
Labels: bands, work, work from home
Boy howdy.
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