Nice turn of phrase
This is a little boastful -- but, hey! My blog.
This morning one of my teaching assistants asked what my policy was about them covering each other's tutorials (e.g. illness; attending a conference).
I'm pretty open; I'm happy for them to work it out among themselves.
My e-mail response included what I thought was a nice little turn of phrase:
As far as payments, I wrote, "You folks can compensate each other however you like (lattes; cash reimbursement; carrying heavy weights over great distances; mighty feats of gardening…)."
Heavy weights? You mean like helping people move? in...putyyw. OK I don't know what that means. But it looks like a fun word.
I think I was viewing it more conceptually -- like some sort of pennance.
But, yeah: that's a good practical application.
FWIW: I'm hoping to **never** move house again. We'll see if I can manage that.
Actually, that inspired me to a blog entry, about distilling all yer stuff....
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