Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Classic computers

Just like guys of my father's generation lust after cars that they always wanted to own as young men, but couldn't afford -- I find myself looking through the ''computers'' section of the classified ads, looking for an Apple IIe. (Although, heck -- I'd take a II+.)

We had Apple II-plusses and Apple IIe's at school -- so I dabbled on them a bit -- wrote cute little scripts in LOGO -- that sort of thing. But, never owned one.

So, I keep browsing the classifieds. Of course, until we get the mega-shed built, no where to put one. But, one of these days...

(I should admit: I **do** own an Apple II-GS -- inherited from my parents, after they upgraded to an iMac. But, not quite the same. It's like owning -- and I'm totally exposing my ignorance of cars, here -- a 1985 Ford Mustang instead of a '68 Mustang. Similar name -- but totally different look and vibe.)

Oh: While I was Google-image-ing for a good pic of an Apple IIe, I came across the website of a guy who painted his IIe green. Gotta love it; pictured below.

Didn't fit the bill for the main image for this post. But, couldn't pass it up, either.



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