So, a few days ago I tweaked the color settings of my web browser at work (Firefox). (Pictured; click to bigicize.) It's probably disorienting for most folks -- but since I don't share my computer with anyone -- it works for me.
FWIW: If you use MS Word -- "Tools" menu; "Options"; the "General" tab... second option down is "blue background with white text". I think it's intended for folks used to WordPerfect -- but I tend to use that setting whenever I'm doing a lot of writing. Again, it takes a few minutes to get used to it -- but long-term, it's easier on the eyes.
random, unrelated comment:
just in case you havent seen that one. its funnie
Actually, I think the studies on this go back and forth. Sometimes dark on light; othertimes light on dark. I think we're always supposed to avoid white in favor of cream or yellow, but who actually does that?
White vs. cream/yellow: I do. But, I'm wacky.
(bonus leap: In the "Tick" comics, he often comments that ninjas are "wacky".)
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