Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kids aren't for everyone

Despite all my recent gushings about how much I enjoy having kids, I also realize that having kids isn't for everyone.

Among other things, they're a real time-sink: I won't be going on any world-wide rock star tours any time soon (heck - we haven't been out to see a movie in -- a year and a half?).

They're fun, and good company, and say amusing things. But having a partner also fulfills that purpose. Or a dog.

Well -- a talking dog.



At June 16, 2008 4:05 AM, Blogger timidvenus said...

happy father's day!

At June 18, 2008 9:20 AM, Blogger slag said...

Yeah. Happy father's day! And for the record, I'm pleased that my cats don't talk. I'd hate to think what they'd actually say.

At June 18, 2008 12:07 PM, Blogger Gye Greene said...

Thanks! :)

I send my dad a F's Day gift -- although here in Aussie-land, **our** Father's Day isn't until September.

But, I never turn down well-wishes. :)



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