Older than thou
I am now officially Old(TM). Was teaching my class today -- a first-year course at a university -- and realized that none of them were alive when I graduated from high school.
I asked 'em, and yep -- confirmed. Except for one lady, who said she'd been alive for half a year.
A room full of people who don't recall a time when cassette decks, not CDs, were the standard mode of playing albums.
Old, old, old... :)
The next question you should ask them is if they've ever purchased a CD. Or purchased any music for that matter. It's mind-blowing to me how many kids these days have never purchased any music... they've gotten it all free.
But... legally? :)
Yeah: I'll have to use that question.
Way to lift the spirits, GG. I'll remember this.
No, not legally. No one wants to pay for music anymore. No one seems to understands that this is someone's livelihood that they're stealing.
I don't like mp3s. Not because of any quality issue. I just like to have something physical to hold when I am listening to music. I like to read liner notes. I like to see who mixed it, who mastered it, who the band thanks, etc.
But I'm probably not your average music consumer.
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