Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Monday, January 02, 2017

Finally painted it

I guessing that most homeowners have goofy little repairs that they never get around to doing.  Here's one of mine.

We've lived in this house for something like eight years.  When we first moved in, the guy installing the screen door messed up, so he had to make it shorter.  However, that left a gap at the top -- so he filled it in with a piece of wood. 

Since he wanted to move on to the next job, we agreed that he'd just paint the wood with primer, give us a bit of a discount (for the inconvenience), and I'd paint it green to finish the job.

As of yesterday -- that is, about eight years later -- I still hadn't got around to it:  there was no fixed deadline, and no mechanical or structural need to paint it -- so it never made it to the top of the list.

But last night, I figured, "eh".  So today I masked it with painter's tape (which took longer than the actual painting), and painted it.  And a few hours later, gave it another coat.

So, before:

And, after:

Tomorrow I'll remove the tape.




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