Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

My shadow

I've been playing dress-up for the last few months, including with hats.

This last weekend I saw a black cowboy hat on sale.  I don't own any proper cowboy hats -- until now, that is.

It's coming into summer, here in Australia -- so it was about time to transition from the smaller-brimmed fedoras into something with a wider brim.

I've been wearing the cowboy hat to and from work, all this week.  Back in Seattle, I'd feel like a poser.  But in Australia:   eh, I'm an American -- I'm allowed to wear a cowboy hat.

Here's a shot, at night, using my cheap smartphone (thanks to The Girl for taking the photo).

When you wear a cowboy hat, you get a pretty cool silhouette.   :)


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