Movie Review - Singing in the Rain
Each weekend we have "Family Movie Night", where we have a roster for whose turn it is to choose the DVD from the fairly large pile of unwatched movies.
Tonight it was my turn, and I chose Singing in the Rain. I wasn't sure that the kids would sit through it -- especially my youngest boys (B1, B2), who are six. Particularly the musical numbers.
But, they were actually engaged. I was impressed. And I was also impressed with how well the movie has aged: it didn't seem "dated" at all -- which, of course, is why it's such a "classic".
Just in case you don't know the story: it's about a movie star (Gene Kelly) around 1927, just as silent movies were transitioning to "talkies". His recurring co-star/leading lady has a horrible voice, which causes difficulties in re-working a half-finished movie to make it sound-compatible.
There's more, but that's enough -- except that I'd forgotten how fun Donald O'Connor is. :)
The kids each had a favorite musical number, which they were comparing after the movie ended (B2's was "Make 'Em Laugh", if I recall correctly).
So, yeah -- a success.
I recommend you re-watch it. A good movie.
Labels: favorite movies, movies
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