My weekend
Pretty good weekend. Still have a head cold, hanging on from last weekend. Not as bad as a flu -- just makes my voice a bit throaty, and I use up a lot of tissues. Oh, and my energy levels are at about 90%.
Yesterday, got on a "clearing off my desk" jag: I tend to write down song lyric ideas, "field notes" of my children's social and cognitive development, and various woodworking ideas on scraps of paper, and then toss them on my desk for later entry into the computer. Also magazines that I read: I tend to write page numbers in the margins of the table of contents, for later logging (f/x pedals to check out online, amps and guitars to maybe buy someday, clever woodworking tips).
I'm now mostly done -- I have a "to enter" pile that's about a foot high -- but I stayed up 'til 2am doing that. Well, actually, the final fifteen minutes was spent YouTubing this AU comedian Adam Hills...
Because I stayed up late, I think I've relapsed a bit with my head cold. Was tired all morning; but, my sons and I had a lovely nap this afternoon, so I'm better now.
I also spent about an hour today doing further tidying and consolidation in the shed ( my workshop/stand-alone garage which will never hold a car). As usual, a casual observer wouldn't notice the improvement -- but **I** do! Shifted a few sheets of plywood, and moved some tools around. I can now make it most of the way through the "storage" end of the shed -- nearly to the other door!!!
Also, at church this morning, I asked the pastor about the pair of waist-high speaker cabinets that had been sitting in the hallway last week, and were still there today. He said he'd been doing some Lenten cleaning (spring cleaning? except that it's autumn, here), and found them in the back of some closet there at church. The church has no use for them.
I offered to take them off his hands for a extra donation in the offering basket next week, to which he agreed. So, put them in the trunk, took them home. Both seem to work -- about 22 Ohms, IIRC. Each speaker cabinet has three sets of 5-1/2 inch speakers, presumably wired in series. The cabinets are a little worse for wear -- some of the plywood veneer is starting to come off -- but I've begun gluing on the floppy bits, and will later putty up the other gaps, then paint the whole thing green, blue, and/or purple.
By the way: **super** satisfying to have enough room to actually work on a project in the workshop!!!
Possibly two weekends from now I'll rent a trailer (about thirty bucks) and bring the "family heirloom" workbench from Next-Door Uncle's workshop to my own.
Labels: medical, music, woodworking
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