Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Almost computer

As I've mentioned before, some middle-aged guys buy the car they wished they'd owned in high school or college, but couldn't afford. I'm doing the same thing, but with computers: things like Commodore 64's, Apple II+'s, and the such.

(Yes, I know that technically there's no apostrophe when you're making a plural – but the '' ' '' offsets the ''s'' from the model number. Otherwise ''Commodore 64s'' would look like I wanted a ''Commodore 64-S''...)

So, in Saturday's paper, there was an Amstrad portable computer for $20 – one of those ''suitcase'', ''luggable'' jobbies, with the teeny screen the size of your hand, and the keyboard that doubles as a lid to the case. I phoned the seller, but it turns out that some other guy was supposed to come by, although he hadn't yet showed. So, I said I'd call back tomorrow (i.e. today) to see whether he'd come by; he had: was really excited about it.

Ah well – at least it went to a good home. :)

There was also a Commodore Amiga for a hundred bucks, including the printer. But, those come along more often – every three to six months, it seems, for a similar price.



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