A perspective on hospitals
We were at the hospital today, for a check-up for B2. As I observed all the people in the halls, the waiting rooms, at the check-in counters -- everyone who wasn't an employee -- I realized that anyone who's in a hospital is there because their body, somehow, has failed them.
It might have been from birth. It might have been some recent disease. Or, it might just be old age catching up with them. But however -- whichever -- it's their bodies who are letting them down.
What about the hypocondriacs? It's their mind that's failed them, not their body. (Oops...pardon...my Psychology degree is showing.)
Hmm, depends on which branch of Psychology you're from, I suppose, but at least one branch focuses on the organic structure of the brain, which is a body part. . . (I know, I know, GC was being funny. Sorry.)
For some reason, the refrain about the body letting the people down makes me think of lyrics by Radiohead.
What are you doing up at 4:24 AM, GC?
Hmmm...not sure I get where you're going with this. Who's the "them" if not the body? That is, are we assuming a mind-body separation here? If so, I challenge that assumption, given all the recent evidence that suggests that we think with many of our body parts (not just the brain). And it is possible that there were some in the hospital with brain injuries as well. To quote the Matrix: the body cannot live without the mind. And vice versa.
Well -- even folks w/ brain injuries have had their bodies let them down. By "bodies" I intend to mean their physical hardware (their RAM , CPU, and/or processors).
I hear you, but my question: "Who's the 'them' if not the body?" still stands. What's the stuff outside the hardware? Electricity? Can the electricity be generated without the CPU? I'm not convinced this separation can be made. Existential questions, I guess.
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