Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just being green

Currently, my Blogspot profile has a photo of Gypsy, my first electric guitar. It's the guitar I wrote nearly all of my songs on -- except for the ones I wrote on electric bass -- and played at all my gigs.

I lost it in a burglary a few years back, and I'm still sad about that. (My first bass -- which I also used for all my gigs and wrote songs on -- was also swiped.) Since the burglary, I haven't played guitar enough to re-invest my mojo into any of my guitars. Hopefully WIFMD it'll happen.

The reason for the change of photos is that a week or two (or three?) ago, I was updating my Blogspot profile. For some reason, the site was glitching and wouldn't allow the link for my profile photo to get saved -- it kept reporting it as an error (IIRC). So, I deleted the link. I tried a few other pics, but it didn't like any of them.

So, I figured I'd post my Gye Greene pic here, so I can find the link again.



At September 17, 2007 2:01 PM, Blogger slag said...

what about your gnome photo?

BTW-I dig the smallness of the hat. Combined with the drumsticks, it makes you look a bit like a parade marshal.

Also, the horizontal lines of siding behind you add interesting texture.

At September 17, 2007 2:04 PM, Blogger slag said...

Also, it's a bit hard to tell what the new pic actually is (when it's real small-like). Want me to try to cut out some of the background for you?


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