Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Star Trek cell phones?

Rcv'd the following e-mail notice from a friend:

Title: Gallery of Star Trek business cardsLink:
Xeni Jardin:This most excellent collection of Star Trek business cards includes Spock, Kirk,and other universally familiar names -- but I was delighted to find lessfrequently seen characters like Harold Mudd, too. "Mudd's Women" is one of myall-time favorite episodes.
The calling card for Kang, Klingon High Commander, reads, "WARS ARRANGED /PLANETS CONQUERED / NO WAR TOO SMALL."

Which reminded me: Why have they not yet come out with a Classic Star Trek cell phone, shaped like a flip-open "communicator"? I'd buy one!!!

Maybe it's hung up in licensing negotiations with Paramount. Dunno. But it seems like a good moneymaker: tech geeks and Star Trek fans seems like a strong crossover market.



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