Three minor musical advances
Three minor advances in music, for me:
1) As I think I mentioned, a few months ago I bought an acoustic guitar for about AU$15 (around US$12): nice tone -- but the bridge only allows the middle four strings. And then when I was re-stringing it, I broke the D-string -- so it's just [blank] A [blank] G B [blank]. This set-up is making me play differently (I noodle around while watching t.v.), with more use of "drone strings" and playing up and down the neck, rather than across.
2) As I might(?) also have mentioned, for the last four(?) months I've had drumsticks in the car: at stoplights I play the steering wheel. My hand work is improving (although not my feet) -- but the interesting thing is that Tuesday of (I think) two weeks ago (so, April 2nd?), on the way in to work I noticed that my drumsticks (a matched pair) actually had a slightly different diameter: and now I can't un-notice that. So that's an extra level of sensitivity.
3) With the exception of two songs from about 15 years ago, all of my songs are either standard major/minor chords, or power chords. But last night I wrote a song (verse and chorus guitar; no melody line or further arrangement yet) with a verse of major chords (but with a suspended 4th occasionally added on the A) -- but the chorus alternates between a D-major and the four thinnest open strings (which is D G B E -- so I guess a Gminor2?), and finally ending on a power chord with the root on the A-string, seventh fret. So, something a little different.
I'm still not in a situation (or current inclination) to easily record: one of these days...
Labels: drums, drumsticks, guitars, songwriting
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