If I won the lottery
Every once in a while I daydream about how my life would be different if I won the lottery. My problem -- here in ''real life'' -- is that my interests are too diffuse. I'm interested in lots of stuff -- but not obsessed with any one thing. So, not much within any one realm gets done.
The other impediment is that I need to work for a living. So all the "home maintenance" stuff ends up taking up my free time. For example: this weekend, and the next few weekends, I'm devoting a few hours per day to digging a trench to lay down some drainage pipe -- so that my workshop can get its final certification/inspection.
So: here's what I'd do with myself if I won the lottery (clustered by topic, rather than ranked by order)...
-Krav Maga classes
-Wing Chun classes
-Escrima/Arnis/Kali classes
-Japanese Ju-Jitsu classes
-Brazillian Ju-Jitsu classes
-Aikido classes
-Hapkido classes
-Black Crane kung fu classes
-Tap dancing classes
-Martial arts practice
-Learn to run faster
-Practice doing a one-armed chin-up
-Learn the rudiments of rock climbing, including increasing my grip strength
-Learn to swim decently
-Get the equivalent of life guard certification (regardless of whether I actually take the certification)
-Buy an English horn
-Practice the English horn
-Buy "great pipes" bagpipes
-Practice the pipes
-Play the guitar and electric bass more
-Learn the clarinet
-Actually practice the trumpet
-Actually practice the trombone
-Set up my recording gear
-Buy a tube amp (don't know which; would try out a few)
-Buy a decent USB or Firewire recording interface
-Buy actual monitors
-Buy a ribbon mic
-Record my songs
-Put some of my music on the web
-Buy that one mini-synth that I have as a "desktop" on my computer at work -- the vocoder one
-Do woodworking
-Buy a wood-turning lathe
-Buy a fairly large bandsaw
-Build a "wood milling" shed for the bandsaw
-Do weird electronics to build music gizmos
-Build a wind-driven bassy string drone device for the back yard
-Build an electric guitar from scratch, with hand-wound pickups and oddball electronics
-Build a climbing structure/clubhouse for the kids
-Clear out the weeds and brambles from our yard
-Build a potting shed
-Go through our boxes: sort, discard, tidy, put away
-Write a few genius scholarly articles, including publishing my Master's thesis
-Write a few children's books (K thru 3rd grade, probably)
-Maybe keep working (human contact!), or maybe not; but if I did, only about two days a week
-Short-term, have the kids home with me instead of putting them in daycare
-Visit friends and family in the U.S. more often
-Enter my mountains of thoughts and ideas on scraps of paper into the computer, and organize them
-Shoot and edit my zombie/martial arts film short
-Shoot and edit my music video ideas
-I didn't put "spend more time with the family" on there, as I already do a pretty good job of that. It's the **other** stuff I don't do.
-Unlike what a lot of people would do with their lottery winnings, I don't have "travel, see the world", "buy a fancy car", or "buy a bigger house". (Oh! Should pay off the mortgage, though.)
-The stuff I'd spend money on are (1) classes, to learn how to do things, and (2) tools and equipment, to help me better accomplish tasks.
I'd buy all the girls on my block silver-plated six shooters and a quart of the finest highland scotch.
. . . if I won the lottery.
Love it. :)
(Everyone else: Those are song lyrics. Google 'em.) ;)
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