Gye Greene's Thoughts

Gye Greene's Thoughts (w/ apologies to The Smithereens and their similarly-titled album!)

Monday, November 01, 2010

A minor inconveniece

Had a good meeting at work today, with my project team.

My supervisor and the other senior person seemed impressed with the stuff I was coming up with: I'm using survey data that my predecessor had begun to work on; however, I'm re-working a lot of her stuff, and coming up with (hopefully!) better solutions and work-arounds. Which, of course, you would hope: I have a Ph.D. and have been doing these sorts of analyses for about twelve years (off and on); she had a B.A., and only a little work experience.

Unfortunately, even though my supervisor seems to be pleased with my work, he told me that at the end of the year, he'll be out of money: he ending up not getting a large grant that he'd applied for. So, I'm effectively laid off, as of the end of the calendar year -- which is too bad.

I've "tossed my bread upon the waters", however, and I've already had a few possible leads: some research work, and a possible teaching gig (for the first semester in 2011). No guarantees -- but certainly, people saying they'd keep me in mind.

To my advantage, I'm in a pretty good position: I teach (university-level courses) as well as do research -- so that doubles my range of options. And also it's apparently hard to find competent people doing my style of research (social science number-crunching, rather than interviews). And I'm also unusual in that most people with my level of experience and certification (doing this for about a decade; have a Ph.D.) usually already **have** a full-time job -- so they're not interested in part-time, short-term gigs.

Time to dust off the ol' resume...




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